Monday 14 July 2008

The Durex Dress

That time is upon us again.

As the end of summer term closes, the students rejoice in a place of celebration. The Prom or a School Disco - That's if your 'fortunate' enough.

Now it's been my second prom in my whole lifetime and up until the day before I did not have a dress. So there I was, at my computer screen, I went to Google. 'Prom Dress' I keyed in, in anticipation and clicked 'Images' - for some inspiration. One of the first images was

And if your not a rainbow kind of girl...

Or maybe even...

You'll meat all the cute guys in this one (haha)

Naa bump that.
I'll opt for a shiny shiny one instead.


— Godfrey said...

haha bare jokes !! iam loving the meat dress doe

i wonder if theres any guys versions emmm ??

Anonymous said...

Condom dress.....tooooo much!


Big post

Danielle said...

that silver dress is fire.

but i'm in love with the condom dress... mmmmm yeah... it's wicked...